Monday 5 November 2012

Some people we have met

 Moses works at the mission office. We see him every morning and have come to really love him. He is a very humble man and likes to give Elder Raymond a bad time. He also raises a beautiful vegetable garden on the property and shares all his produce with all of us. We will really miss him.

 These are the three pro golfers, Cece, Lolly & Reeve. We took a few lessons from them. Elder Raymond liked it alot but I can see now why I don't golf!

 This is Pres. Dube who was our mission president when we arrived and his wife, Nuame. He is now been called to be an area Seventy and also works with us in Seminary & Institute.
CES (Church Education System) was his work before he was a mission president.

 Jerry is one of the security guards at the Grandi Lodges apartment complex where we have lived during our mission. He also likes to give Elder Raymond a bad time -- especially about being a "Kombie" driver.

 These are four of our most regular students when we first started teaching in Harare. (Left to right) Anyway Kambeva, Bongani Moyo (who also works in the mission office), Petros Masaire, and Tongai Mutopo (one of Elder Raymonds close friends).

 Ali is one of the security guards at the gate to the mission office. She was very shy when we met her and it was hard for her to understand us but over time, she has become friendly and loves to tease.

 Samantha works in the mission office and is a very loving person. She didn't quite know how to take Elder Raymond at first but loves to come right back at some of his teasing comments now. We will also miss her much!

 Bro. Never Jack is one of our very dear friends! He really bonded with Elder Raymond right from the start and they have spent many hours together getting "windshield time". We would love to bring him to the US to visit. We will miss him so much when we leave.

 Rabecca is our secretary in the office. Tommy is her first child and about the only one who came to me right off. We have loved Rabecca and will miss her also...

 Beauty cleans our apartment for us and the other couple missionaries who come to Grandi Lodges. We showed her on our first blog post carrying the water on her head. She is funny and has a strong testimony of the gospel.

 Freeborn is one of the members of our Domboshawa branch. He lives alone on the foothills of Domboshawa and raises a garden...He was baptised right after we came.

Bro. Francis Jack lives in Bindura and is the supervisor for Seminaries & Institute in that area. He is also in the branch presidency there. An awesome person and loves the gospel.

Simon is the man we see at the "robot" (traffic light) each morning on our way to work. We think a lot of him and hope he will continue to read the Book of Mormon and continue meeting with the missionaries..He always has a smile for us!

Thursday 18 October 2012

Gonarezhou National Park

 A common site...but I would challenge anyone to try doing this!!!  She was walking along at a pretty good pace and take note ---- no shoes!!  Eeesh!!!!

 This is the Limpopo River that runs through this national park and next to the Chilo Gorge Safari Lodge where we stayed...we were standing on the deck of the Lodge overlooking this site....amazing!

 This is a Baobob tree that is about 2000 years old.  Looking behind us you can see that the tree is hollowed out...These are incredible trees!  You can see where the bark is stripped above us where Elephants strip it to eat the bark.

 You could say this is the "Land of the Baobob"...the legend says that this tree used to produce lots of fruit & flowers, then decided to become barren. Then it is said that God decided to pull it out of the ground, turn it upside down and put it back in the ground...that's why these look like the roots are at the top of the tree....

                      Another close up shot of the Baobob.....

 This was an awesome sight behind the rock formation was made....and don't look at how close to the edge we were...I told them hurry and take the picture....and boy don't I look like a dork!

      This is the same rock formation taken from the other side

           Look at this!!!  We called it the "Halloween" tree!!!

Elder Raymond on the bridge leading to our lodge or room from another couples lodge (room)....there were about 10 lodges at Chilo Gorge...and lots of vegetation. You can hear the hippos out on the river from our rooms.

 A typical scene as you drive around the area, but look at the hut in the center of the picture...its a double upstairs!!! And look how clean they keep their dirt around their home....

We stopped along the road when we saw these two boys with their cart and donkeys...they are so happy.  We gave them each a sucker for letting us take their picture. They thought they had such a treat!

Wednesday 10 October 2012


          Take notice of where we parked our truck.....hmmm....

                              What can you say about this one???

    "Give Way" means to yield ---- something we had to learn      when we first arrived in Africa

          These are their speed limit signs --- 70 km per hour....

 Robots are their traffic lights, not little mechanical devices that we know --- and they are very hard to see on the sides of the road, not up in the air as in the US.


 It took a while after we arrived to know what this sign meant. It is warning you of a speed hump ahead!

 In case you need air in your tires (tyres) or a repair.....

       A good way to advertise a tree cutting business huh???

These are all some signs you will probably see as you drive around Harare and vicinities outside the city.....

Thursday 4 October 2012

Mission Life

We as the couple missionaries decided to fix breakfast for the elders so for three Monday mornings, we had a different zone come to our apartments and eat. Each Monday was a different set of Elders and every monday we served something different---pancakes, eggs and bacon or french toast, fruit and hashbrowns....they loved it!!!!

This is Sis. Benich and Sis. Hodges doing the cooking for that Monday, with Elder Skroski bringing his dishes to the kitchen.

We crowded them into our living rooms ---kind of a tight fit but it was fun. It was fun to meet the new missionaries as they came to these breakfasts.

Our new mission President, Pres. Cook talking with Elder Heck

Elder Raymond found a new way to park our truck!!!  Professor ( Bro. Matize) trying to figure out a way to get the truck out of this rotted out stump---it was high centered, the wheel wasn't even touching the ground....through a process of jacking up the truck and stacking bricks, Elder Raymond was then able to back the truck out...

An African greenbelt????

When Elder Raymond shook hands with Joel in his office, I was so touched---I had to have a picture! This is a true sign of BROTHERHOOD...

Of course, mission life has to have a little recreation doesn't it...especially when you are being instructed by 3 pro golfers who are in Zimbabwe!!!

Elder Raymond & I with the 3 Pro's  
      CeeCee Lundgreen, Lolly Maritz, & Reeve Nield

We were able to go to the temple in South Africa. This Johannesburg temple has almost the same design as the Boise we felt right at home!

And yes! We had to have our picture taken at the front doors of the was an awesome experience to be there!

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Zimbabwe Life

This is one of many vendors you see along the roads, this one selling cabbages which is a staple food that they grow in Harare  
No one wants to "give way" to other cars...just every man for himself .......

This is how they roast their corn...yup, just along the road over a fire ...a dollar an ear ----oh, and it's not the sweet corn

I'd like to see anyone try this in America!  And it's full of water!!!

Any one for a ride to town????

Do you ever wonder what is in the bag?  This is a typical scene wherever you go


Is this what is called going back to it's mother earth?

What you call a "Chicken bus"

Wonder what would be small enough to haul in this?

Moving Day!

Time to make the Sudza---anyone hungry???

Another moving day!!!

A vendor selling belts, hazard triangles and whatever he is carrying on his back

More produce for sale out of a broken down truck

This is typical of children walking to school